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The rscatter package is an R package that creates an htmlwidget wrapping the regl-scatterplot JavaScript library. An htmlwidget widget outputs HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for viewing in various contexts that support HTML such as the viewer pane in RStudio, interactive R Markdown and Quarto documents, and Shiny apps.

In the case of rscatter the API is similar to other plotting functions in R and HTML is rendered that creates pan-and-zoomable scatterplots that scale to millions of points.


The rscatter package is not yet on CRAN. You may install it from the GitHub repository.

# Install remotes package if necessary
if (!require("remotes")) {

remotes::install_github("davidpross/rscatter", upgrade = FALSE)

Basic usage

You can view the full documentation for the rscatter function here but you can get going quickly by simply passing your x and y coordinates.

You can interact with the rendered plot by zooming and panning it. There is no support yet for displaying axes and a legend.

Plotting values in a data.frame

Many times during exploratory data analysis we have our data in a data.frame object. You can plot the values from your data.frame as shown in the following example.

phi = seq(from = 0, to = 50, by = 1e-2)
fermat_spiral = data.frame(
 x = c(-sqrt(phi)*cos(phi), sqrt(phi)*cos(phi)),
 y = c(-sqrt(phi)*sin(phi), sqrt(phi)*sin(phi)),
 branch = rep(c("a", "b"), each = length(phi))
rscatter("x", "y", size = 1.5, colorBy = "branch", data = fermat_spiral)

Even with ~10K points the plot renders quickly and is responsive when interacting with it.